Will Witherspoon
Software and Web Developer
Will Witherspoon
Web Developer
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Hi! I'm Will Witherspoon, a developer with proven experience in crafting web-based applications. With a bachelor of science in Computer Science from the University of North Texas, I have become proficient in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and PHP. I'm also skiled in leveraging JavaScript frameworks like React and Next.js.

My journey into web development began in 2020 when I created a simple statically hosted art porfolio website that eventually grew to have interactivity and a dedicated server for hosting a backend in Node.JS. During my time at UNT, I engineered an employee scheduling platform and an interactive UI usability education tool.

In my employment at the UNT College of Engineering IT Department, I spearheaded the creation of a web-based inventory management system for the thousands of pieces of inventory that are deployed throughout the College of Engineering. This system streamlined departmental operations, laying the foundation for scalable use across the College of Engineering.

Outside of web development, I have skills in C, C++, and Java. I enjoy exploring my creative side by creating music, drawing, and animation. I aspire to eventually hone skills in audio programming and to create virtual instruments for use in digital audio workstations.

February 2024
  • Login Page
  • Slideshow Editor
  • Slideshow Editor Alternate View
  • Slideshow Manager
  • Slideshow Approvals Page
  • Brightsign Manager Modal

CENGBrightsign is a multi-user platform for managing digital signage throughout the University of North Texas College of Engineering. The platform features a display engine created using Splide.js, a slideshow editor, custodian and group management, slideshow approvals, and BrightSign tracking and management. The platform also includes email-based updates for approvals and changes created with React Email.

CENGBrightsign was created to smooth operations for managing digital signage, which was previously done manually by IT staff. Through this new platform, department administrative coordinators can manage their signage directly and automatically. This has allowed for more updated digital signage that changes frequently depending on events throughout the Discovery Park campus.

The tool was created using a tech stack of React, Next.JS, Splide.JS, DNDKit, and React Email. I was the sole developer for this project.

December 2023
  • Login Page
  • Inventory Browser
  • Info Panel
  • Info Editor
  • Active Directory Panel
  • Change History
  • Audit Homepage
  • Audit
  • Audit Editory
  • Audit Success

CENG Inventory was a project assigned to me during my employment at UNT College of Engineering IT Services. It is a fully fledged inventory management platform for the thousands of devices that are deployed throughout the UNT Discovery Park engineering campus.

This web based inventory management system sports an inventory browser/editor, Active Directory integration, an auditing system, and an API providing automatic integration with our SCCM imaging system.

I was responsible for leading the team working on the project, implementing all sections except for the main dashboard homepage, and deploying production to a local server. The project is currently in use at the College of Engineering helpdesk.

Usability Education Tool & UI Builder
September 2023
  • Homepage
  • Logon Page
  • Progress Tracker
  • Learning Material
  • Quiz
  • UI Builder Scenario
  • Mid Design Game
  • Score Breakdown
  • Solution View

For my senior year capstone program, our group was tasked with building a learning platform that teaches students the 10 Nielsen Usability Heuristics for user interfaces. The platform features a textbook, quiz, and UI Builder activities where the heuristics are applied.

I was mostly responsible for the implementation of the UI Builder section, as well as some other embellishments on the textbook and quiz and deploying the project to production on Vercel. The platform is implemented using React with a Next.js backend. The UI Builder is implemented using DND Kit.

Productivity Manager
August 2023
  • Agenda Page
  • Tasks Page
  • Projects Page with Notes
  • Projects Page with Tasks

This Next.js tool contains various sections that are meant to complete a certain task, including Songs, Notepad, Sketchbook, Schedule, Projects, Microblog, and Links. While the Projects and Schedule section is meant to manage productivity, the other sections are used as custom repositories of ideas and thoughts that can be accessed anywhere in a private manner.

This tool was originally coded raw in PHP but it is currently in the process of being ported to a NodeJS environment based on Next.js with React.js. The project is being ported as part of an effort to learn and apply more modern web development frameworks. Bearing this in mind, there are a few aspects of the code presented that I have realized are not ideal, such as defining too many components in a single page or repeating similar components in the various pages that could be combined in other ways. However, code is currently in the process of being rewritten to be up to production standards.

This project manager is designed to be used by a single individual and hosted privately. To ensure the privacy of the content, authentication and login functionality will be implemented in the near future.

Employee Scheduling Program
August 2023
  • Homepage
  • Schedule Editor
  • Shift Creation
  • Availability Viewer

Developed for my junior year software engineering class, this project aims to be a simple implementation of a scheduling program for a workplace. It includes a visual schedule editor, employee address book, announcement system, and an automatic shift trade / time off request system. It also includes an implementation for a schedule generator that takes into account the availability of all employees.

For this project, I was responsible for implementing the homepage, calendar, availability panel, schedule generator, and setting up the MySQL database schema. The screenshots included above are the sections I developed.

Javascript Music Player
July 2022
  • Music Player
  • Music Player Index

Meant to be a page in the replacement for the art portfolio below, this fully interactive music player was my first ever JavaScript project developed in the summer of 2022.

Built in vanilla JavaScript with Howl.js & a tiny amount of JQuery, this online music player pulls from an already existing MySQL database, builds playlists/albums based off of database information, and then displays them to the user in a format similar to Bandcamp or Spotify. Featuring all standard playback functions, a functioning volume and duration slider, a visualizer, song information and lyrics, and downloads for each song, this is meant to be a public repository for my music.

While the project in it's current state is fully functional, there are a few shortfalls under the hood that need to be addressed, including it's methods of altering the DOM, large memory footprint, and it's lack of code organization such as classes. Eventually I plan to create a Next.js/React.js version with a rewritten version of the player class.

Art Portfolio Site
Summer 2021
  • Home
  • Blog
  • Music
  • Videos
  • Extras

Originally developed in December 2020 and revamped in summer 2021, this website is meant to be a portfolio for all of my artistic works. Originally a static project with only HTML/CSS, this project evolved into a dynamic website with a PHP-based backend with a MySQL database. It is also hosted on a LEMP stack that was manually configured.

The website itself contains a Blog, a Videos section, a Music section, and a page for "Extras". Each page pulls from the database to display content. The website also has responsive CSS and is fully usable on mobile.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
University of North Texas - Denton, TX, August 2020 - May 2024
Relevant Coursework
  • Secure E-Commerce
  • Foundations of Database Systems
  • Computer Networks
  • Data Structures
  • Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Digital Logic
  • Computer Science
Technical Skills
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • React
  • Next.js
  • PHP
  • Nginx
  • Wordpress
  • Sass
  • C/C++
  • Unity
  • Linux Systems
Previous Employment
Student Computer Technician - College of Engineering
University of North Texas - Denton, TX, September 2023 - Present
  • Responsible for the development of an inventory system website for the College of Engineering IT department.
  • Responsible for the development of a system for displaying slideshows on the Brightsigns posted throughout the Discovery Park campus.
  • Managed support tickets for staff on campus.
  • Handled inventory processing of new and out-of-warranty equipment.
  • Prepared new equipment for distribution.
  • Provided on-site support for computer/electronics systems.
Student Computer Technician - College of Education
University of North Texas - Denton, TX, August 2020 - September 2023
  • Troubleshoot hardware and software issues on computers and other devices.
  • Install, update, and maintain software applications and operating systems.
  • Assist with the setup and configuration of new computers and peripherals.
  • Communicate technical information clearly to non-technical users.
  • Manage incidents in the ticketing software ServiceNow.
Student Technician
Lewisville ISD- Lewisville, TX, August 2018 to August 2020
  • Facilitated and documented the repair of both mobile and desktop devices
  • Completed physical repair of damaged iPad devices
  • Managed inventory and relevant documentation
  • Management of the student repair help desk during the summer